About us

You know today is a different world from when you were a child, but are children different too?

Parents have been raising children for eons, without any books, classes, or “experts.”

In fact, the science of parenting started in the 1940’s, over 80 years ago! Human beings don’t biologically or psychologically change much in 80 years, even 800 years, so children have not changed much since then. But the world sure has changed! Parents need to prepare children for the world in which they will live!

So, for the past 30 years, Parents Toolshop® has created 100+ research-based parenting programs and resources, conducting outcome evaluation studies of their effectiveness, and are constantly updating our materials based on new research and current events.

And you know what?

In those 30 years, as new research emerges, it has either confirmed what we teach or explained why what we teach is so effective.

So what makes our programs uniquely effective?

All Parents Toolshop® programs and resources teach our proprietary Universal Blueprint® GPS (Guide to Parenting Success) System.

It’s a simple step-by-step formula you can use to avoid common parenting problems and plan helpful individualized responses to challenges that do arise.

Once you know the system, it takes just a matter of seconds to know:

  • What is happening
  • Why it’s happening
  • What to say or do in that specific situation

Best of all, our system and the programs and resources that teach it aren’t just for parents. They’re useful to childcare professionals, parent and family educators, or anyone else who works with children.

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Certified Trainers Worldwide
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Clients Served Worldwide
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Satisfied Clients
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Programs + Resources

On The Blog

Why Parenting Education Matters (and How You Can Help Make It More Accessible)

Research shows parenting education can prevent and improve many problems families and society experience. Yet, many people don’t know it exists, think it’s only for “bad” parents, that anyone can be a “parenting expert,” or that professionals like therapists and pediatricians have been trained in effective parenting skills. None of those are true!

Are Your Children Lying? Why Children Lie and How Can You Encourage Truthfulness?

Funding for Parents Toolshop® Services in Ohio Sought

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Check out our YouTube Channel!

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