What is a Conscious Parent? Are You One? Do You Want to be One?

Do you consider yourself to be a Conscious Parent? It probably depends on your definition, right?

The Conscious Parents Toolshop® defines conscious parenting from a 4-D perspective, looking at the following four aspects:

  1. Which mind are you using when you parent: the conscious or subconscious mind? The subconscious mind operates on old programming, where the conscious mind can learn about parenting and be aware or conscious about parenting choices and responses. Do you believe parenting is possibly the most important job you may ever have and want to educate yourself and get training to do the best job you can, like you would any other job? If so, you may be a Conscious Parent.
  1. Which mindset are you operating out of: Conditioned, Reactive or Conscious? A conditioned parenting mindset operates from old childhood subconscious programming, blindly going about parenting according to how you were parenting, without thinking about what you say or do. Reactive parents might be healthy or effective, until a problem arises and trigger buttons get pushed, which cause unhealthy, unhelpful reactions. Conscious parenting is proactive and when problems arise, you plan an effective response. Most parents start out Conditioned and Reactive, but strive to be more Conscious by learning how to reprogram old subconscious programming (conditioned) and trigger buttons (reactive), and learn how to prevent problems and plan effective responses.
  1. What’s really happening under the surface? Science and research have made some amazing discoveries into the universes we live in. The resulting science of consciousness teaches a lot about parenting and relationships, particularly why certain conflicts occur. By using science from multiple fields, such as quantum physics, the biology of belief and emotions, universal consciousness, and the unified field of energy, you can co-create the kind of relationships and life you want. Once you become aware of these concepts, you can never go “unconscious” again! Are you interested in learning more about these topics and how you can apply them to your life, to be a better parent, partner and person? Do you learn and practice staying grounded, mindful and present, and strive to make decisions that are driven more by intuition and heart-centered decision-making than logic or emotions? If so, you may be a Conscious Parent.
  1. Being spiritually conscious, means you acknowledge the spiritual nature of parents and children, that you both have lessons to teach each other, and are connected not just by blood, marriage or adoption, but by the universal consciousness that makes us all One. There’s no identification with any particular religion or spiritual practice, just a balanced, integrated approach that builds on some basic universal truths known by every major religion and even those with no religion! (Note: We are partnering with experts in different religions to create religion-specific Parents Toolshop® Action Guides.) Do you often consider the spiritual side of life, of relationships, of your child? If so, you may be a Conscious Parent.

So what do you think? Would you say you are or want to be more of a Conscious Parent?

If so, then check out other articles in this category, to explore some of these issues.

You are also invited to participate in The Conscious Parents Toolshop® on-line course. It is an evergreen course you can take anytime, with ongoing support through a private Facebook group.

Several times a year, though, you can participate in a series of live support webinars, to discuss and process what you are learning with other parents, and to get support in applying what you learn to your family. See when the next round of support webinars is starting at: www.ParentsToolshop.com/conscious-parenting-online.


Jody Johnston Pawel, LSW, CFLE is president of Parent’s Toolshop® Consulting, where she oversees an international network of Toolshop® trainers. She has 30+ years experience as a top-rated speaker and parenting expert to the media worldwide, including serving as the Co-Producer and Parenting Expert for the Emmy-nominated Ident-a-Kid television series. She is the author of the award-winning book, The Parent’s Toolshop® and countless multimedia resources that support and educate parents from diverse backgrounds and needs, and other adults who live or work with children. You can find them at her award-winning website, www.ParentsToolshop.com.

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